
GiD Convention

The GiD Convention is an event organized by the GiD Team, with the objective to bring together users and developers of GiD pre/post processing system in order to exchange ideas and experiences on the generation of data for computer simulation and the graphic visualization of numerical results. It takes place every two years since 2002, and a new official version of GiD is released in the frame of each GiD Convention.

The 10th GiD convention will bring together GiD users and problemtypes developers that will present their latest advances. Furthermore, GiD Team will present the new features of GiD 15.

Due to the pandemic situation, it’s not possible to perform a presential convention as past editions, so GiD Team has prepared an online edition for the 10th edition of the convention, where the attendees will be able to participate on the event virtually.

Despite the change of the format, the GiD convention will maintain the objectives of past versions, creating a space to share ideas and experiences in the computer simulation world.

Don’t miss the opportunity and join us at 10th GiD convention!